Eye Health Status in Mongolia

Updated 2020-03-10 10:47:00

Edit and re-write by Prut Hanutsaha, M.D. *
The Republic of Mongolia is a land lock country in Asia. It bordered on the north by Russia and on the east, south, and west by China. Mongolia has the total land area of 1,564,116 square kilometers. Though the country is a large area, it has a total population of only 2,612,900. Majority of population are of mongol (86%) descent Kazakh (6%), and other more than 20 ethnic groups (such as Tuvan, Tungus etc.). The country has extreme climate, most of the country is hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. The temperature ranges from minus 30 degree celcius in the winter to above 25 degree in summer. Large part of the country is desert. The country has changed from central planning to market economy from 1990. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is 1,470 USD. The capital and largest city of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar. About one third of the population in Mongolia live in Ulaanbaatar. Apart from the capital city, Mongolia is divided into 21 provinces. The country has a unique condition that makes the providing of health care extremely difficult. The country has a very large area and small number of population. At least one fifth of the population are primarily herders. These people move around with their animals during the year. This makes the providing the eye care even
Volume 22 No. 1 January-June 2009 0857-376X
Category: Original Articles