The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Malignant Melanoma of the Choroid

Chakrapong Namatra,M.D*
Prija Mekanandha,M.D.*
Sommit Wongbunnate,M.D. **

* Department of Ophthalmology
** Department of Pathology Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok 10700.

ABSTRACT A case of malignant melanoma of the choroid, which is quite rare in non-white population, was reported. This patient was found to have a large intraocular mass behind the lens with secondary retinal detachment as the cause of blurred vision right eye. The affected eye was enucleated after the diagnosis had been made. The pathological section showed malignant melanoma of the choroid.

Thai J Ophthalmol 1995 ; January-June 9(1): 59-63.