The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Factors and Affitudes in Relation to Wear and Discard Disposable Soft Contact Lenses.

Nantana Sirorotsakool, B.Sc.*
Patarachal Puffawibul, M.D **
* Haadyai Vision Care Company.
** Eye Clinic, Haadyai district, Songkla province.

ABSTRACT The authors conducted a one-year study of 364 disposable soft contact lens (DSCL) wearers (705 eyes) who visitted in our eye clinic from 15 September 1992 through 14 September 1993.

Seventythree cases (20.1%) were males and 291 cases (79.9%) were females in the range of 11-50 years old (mean 25.41 + 6.32). There were 231 cases (63.5%) had never worn any contact lens before, and 133 cases (36.6%) had changed from conventional contact lenses because of some lens' problems 101 cases (75.9%) and others' problems 32 cases (24.1%). Our aim was to determine the performance standards for safety and the cheapest annual cost of DSCL using with daily- wear regimen.

This programme included taking off lenses at night, soaking in the disinfecting soluhon, no surfactant cleaning, no enzymatic cleaning tablet, and then discarded after 4 weeks. The results from ocular examinations and questionnaires showed that the wearers discarded after average 32 day periods per pair, used a disinfecting bottle (355 ml.) for average 90 day periods, so the annual fee was 3,600 baht a year, and there were 9 cases developed complications.

Over all, the prevalence of conjunctival changing was significantly lower among the unexperienced users than the experienced users (p =0.08).


Thai J Ophthalmol 1994 ; July - December 8(2): 97-112.