The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Ocular Manifestation in Brain Tumors

Watanee T. Jenchitr M.D.,
Busaba Na Chiengmai M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology, Lampang Hospital

ABSTRACT Retrospective study of one hundred and twelve patients with brain tumor was done in Lumpang Hospital during 1986-1990.

Age range was 3-80 years old, mostly between 31-40 year and 51-60 year. Male: female were 62:50. The patients came from nine provinces in the North; the majority were from Lampang. Among the patients, sixty –seven were primary brain tumor, Twenty – eight were metastatic brain tumor and seventeen were unknown (the patients expired before the definite diagnosis, and the patients who refused operation ) In one-hundred and twelve patients, thirty-two (28.6%)came with ocular symptoms which papilledema was the most common (13.4%) and optic atrophy was the second common (7.1%). Most common visual acuity at initial examination was count finger to hand motion and no light perception.

It is suggested that the patients who compliant of headache and blurred vision should be examined cautiously and rain tumor should be done. Among the patients with no light perception vision we should examine in detail to discover underlying disease that cause optic atrophy, to let them live with happiness even without vision.

Thai J Ophthalmol 1991: Jan – June 5(1) :41-49