The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Multifocal Intraocular Lens Concepts and Clinical Experience

Surapongs Duangratana M.D., DOMS.,
Pithak Kitcharoen M.D., FICS.,
Prasert Leeungurastien M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai

ABSTRACT Multifocal intraocular lens is a new type of intraocular lens. The concepts of this lens is “the patient must see clearly for both distance and near without glasses.” The authors study 13 cases of them and rhe results are the following. Four patients (30.77%) can see 6/6 at distance and the remainder 9 cases (69.23%) see between 6/9 –6/12. Two cases (15.38%) can read Jaeger 1 and 11 cases (84.62%) can read Jaeger 2-5 at near. All the patients need no glasses, although some of them can be corrected to 6/6 read Jaeger 1 with distant correction.