The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Endophthalmitis in Northern Thailand Prasert Leeungurasatien M.D.,
Pithak Kitcharoen M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology, Facukty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai
ASTRACT We report 54 cases of endophthalmitis during 1987 – 1989. Most of them were farmers and the most common age range was between 61 and 80 years (29.63%). Male was more prevalent than female (64.81%). The predisposing factors are penetrating trauma (24.14%) post operative (17.24%), corneal ulcer (17.24), nonpenetrating trauma (16.36%), unknown etiology (13.97%), and others (21.26%). The treatment and final outcomes were as follows: evisceratoion (37.04%), intra - cameral procedures including vitrectomy or vitreous tapping or lensectomy (26.56%), enucleation (22.22%),and topical or subconjunctival or systemic antibiotics (16.67%). Only 53.70% of them had microbiogical study performed. Among these, only 10.34% had positive culture. Only 53.70% of them had microbiological study performed. Among these, only 10.34% had positive culture. Only one patient in this study retained useful vision.