The Thai Journal of Ophthalmology
The Opthalmological Society of Thailand

Official Publication of the Royal College of Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmological Society of Thailand

Normal Flora of the Eye

Porchai Simaroj M.D.*,
Benjamarh Puttasuwan M.D.**,
Skowrat Kunavisarut M.D.*,
Panida Chainate M.D.***
*Department of Ophthalmology, Ramathibodi Hospital,
**Department of Ophthalmology, pumipol Hospital,
***Department of Pathology, Ramathibodi Hospital.

 Abstract The normal flora of the eye from 80 volunteers at Ramathibodi Hospital was studied by swab and culture technique. It was positive in 77 eyes (96.25%) and 75 eyes (91.87%) from the right and left respectively. The main organism was Staphylococcus epidermidis.

    The organism from the conjunctival sac was found in 16 eyes (20.0%) from the right and 17 eyes (21.25%) from the left. Staphylococcus epidermidis was also found predominantly.

    Fungi were found only in 2 eyes, both from the upper eye lids, none from conjunctiva.

Thai J Ophthalmol 1987 June; 1(1):33-36.